From A Tea Break To Daydream of Breakfast with Lauren vol.1
Text:Anna Koshizuka
People / 2018.03.08
Lauren Yates
2010年からライフスタイル、フード、トラベルをテーマに『Ponytail Journal』を更新し、今年で8年目。ブロガーとして取材、執筆、動画編集まで手掛ける一方、インスタグラマーとしてスポンサードの執筆や投稿も行う。
自身がプロデュースするブランド『W’ Menswear』は、中国、韓国、台湾、タイ、日本を中心に展開中。(日本代理店はOuter Limits .co.)
『W’ Menswear』
WEB store
Tea-break with Lauren
I didn't get acquainted with Lauren by the fact that she was popular at Instagram nor a popular blogger, but rather because I felt that she was just traveling around the world and enjoying eating breakfast. I was lucky to meet her for the second time in the beginning of February and felt blessed to be able to express my love towards her breakfast making in person (after having followed her for some approximately 3 years).
This is what happened in February 2017.Her manlike and handsome ladies work wear (called W’Menswear) traveled all the way to Asia and the spring/summer collection also exhibited in Nakameguro in Tokyo.
I caught a glimpse of her collection last year and just had to approach and make contact with this Lauren, who treated me with warmth and told me about the story behind her clothes the making of them.
I was looking forward to going this year too when she suddenly invited me to meet for a cup of coffee and thus, though unexpectedly, I spent some time with Lauren in reality. "I'd never had thought to get get a chance like this!" I thought to myself and began briefing her for an interview using torn paper as notes.
I wanted to know about her future and will here introduce the two most important questions/answers that took part.
「ワールドトラベラー」と称して魅力を訴える私にはにかんだ笑みを向けながら(ここで通じ合っている実感)、「その土地、その土地のスペシャルな食(”Special Food”、正式な言葉ではないものの、世界各国の、異国情緒に溢れる料理のイメージはすぐに伝わった)ただただ“Try”してみるの。日本だと、特にアートギャラリーや、ミュージアムをメインに巡るのが好き。」と、ありのままに楽しむ様子。「まぁ、こんな姿を旅行・レジャー系メディアが取り上げているけどね」と、実績の方はおまけのようにコメントした。
- What was your focus on your travels and what is your future dream?
She laughed bashfully and called herself "World Traveller" and that she wants to "Try, try try" everything from all over the world. Things or foods that are special that particular region etcetera. She enjoys visiting art museums and galleries while visiting Japan.She added "Well, that appearance and traveling to XX" all gets featured by leisure media."
―”TASTIEST Life Possible”(オンラインで彼女が発信するメッセージ)、@PTJbreakfastの投稿写真を見ていて、思ったこと。
彼女は、朝食の時間をあわただしい1日が始まる前にとる静かな時間を“Peaceful Time“と表し、こうした時間を二の次にしてしまう現代人のライフスタイルを背景情報に交えながら、自分はこれを最も重んじていると話した。「身体にもいいし、“Happiness”につながっている。」と、自分の実感を裏付けとした言葉で、自信を持って教えてくれた。
- Did you like breakfast from the beginning? Where did that start?
She expressed that she likes to begin her usually busy day having a "peaceful time". She talked about how she's trying to influence the modern man that usually overlooks this time of day and how it's an important part of herself. It's good for the body and is connected to "happiness". She taught me to support your own feelings and have confidence.
To people that create and intensively reports upon recent trends one can feel one's shoulder getting lighter by her way of living. It made me think "Just that is enough" and also stopped me from further questioning.
Photos from:@ptjbreakfast #TastiestLifePossible
Translated and Contributed by
Nathalie Cantacuzino
Blog: 『Meanwhile in Tokyo –その頃東京では–』
Instagram: @nanorie
Anna Koshizuka
横浜育ち。 異国情緒あふれる日本の街で過ごし、海外はあこがれの世界だった幼少期、青年期を経て、大学生まで渡航経験はわずかだったが、名前のせいで勘違いをされることがある。 今では各国の市場巡り、料理・食文化体験を中心に、いつも新鮮な気持ちで旅を楽しむ。 慶応大学在学中に「オーガニック」をテーマにしたブログや、モード誌でのリポーター、海外ファッション誌のJapan PRインターンを経験し、オーガニックライフスタイリストの肩書で取材、執筆、リポート業などを継続中。 自称メディアジャンキー(食わず嫌いせず、なんでも試す)だが、ラジオを偏愛。